I had prepared this application about two years ago and uploaded it to my Github, but I recently had the opportunity to prepare its topic. Initially, the reason I created this application was to be able to change the old IP address with the new one, including all subdomains on Cloudflare in bulk, due to the IP block change made on the server service I use. However, later on, I couldn't resist and added many things I use on Cloudflare into the application.
I had initially prepared the application as a Python script, only for the DNS replace operation. Then, I started adding other features by creating a GUI with PyQT5.
Features of the application:
- Domain Search
- Domain Addition
- Bulk update of DNS A records.
- DNS Management
- A
- MX
- DNSSec settings
- Domain Settings
- Security
- Security Level
- Off
- Essentially Off
- Low
- Medium
- High
- Under Attack
- TLS 1.3
- Always use HTTPS
- Automatic HTTPS Rewrites
- Network
- HTTP/3 (with QUIC)
- Onion Routing
- Minimum TLS Version
- 1.0
- 1.1
- 1.2
- 1.3
- WebSockets
- IP Geolocation
- Cache
- Cache Level
- Basic
- Aggressive
- Simplified
- Browser Cache TTL
- Always Online
- Development Mode
- Clear Cache
- Cache Level
- Security
- DNS Record Query
- Whois Query
- Application Settings
Screenshots of the Application
Installation and Usage
Your computer needs to have Python 3.10 or higher installed. For Windows, you can download the latest Python version from this link: https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/.
git clone git@github.com:niyazialpay/CloudFlareDNSManager.git
We install the necessary Python packages for the application to run with the following command.
pip install -r requirements.txt
We start the application by running the main.py file.
python main.py
For Windows; I also created an exe output without the need for Python and packages to be installed, and added it as a release on Github. You can download it from the following link and run it directly.
Many things about the usage of the application can be understood from the screenshots. In addition to these, for adding a new domain, we search for the domain from the domain search section. If the domain does not appear in the list, the add button becomes active, and upon clicking it, the addition process is completed. When we right-click on any DNS record, we can perform operations such as editing, deleting, or copying the record to the clipboard from the menu that opens.
Türkçe: https://niyazi.net/tr/cloudflare-management-tool
Muhammed Niyazi ALPAY - Cryptograph
Senior Software Developer & Senior Linux System Administrator
PHP MySQL MongoDB Python Linux Cyber Security
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